Independent Actuaries Blog Author: Karen Dunn

DB Plans Can Address Small Business Owners’ Goals

This recent article on about retirement planning for small businesses has some good advice. One important thing missing, though, is how well a defined benefit (DB) plan can address common small business owners’ goals in several ways.   A DB plan … Continue reading

From Math Student to Actuary

Sometimes you can look back and identify the exact moment when your path in life was forever changed. I was a math student at Portland State University when my father sent me an article from the Wall Street Journal listing … Continue reading

Breaking news! Save for retirement in 10 years (or less)!

Defined benefit retirement plans for small businesses are often overlooked or misunderstood. We rarely see them accurately portrayed or even mentioned in the main stream media.  Even the financial writer for the New York Times who wrote an article on … Continue reading

To Keep or Not to Keep Plan Records

 Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer, plan sponsors find themselves asking “how long should I keep retirement plan records?”. The short (and not very helpful) answer is: “it depends”. As you may be painfully aware, there can … Continue reading